How to Communicate with a “High D” Behavioral Style

Posted by in Career Advice

Do you know anyone who has a “High D” behavioral style? Some of the words that would describe this kind of individual is someone who very direct and impatient. They typically have a short fuse and are very results oriented. They tend to be extroverted and impatient. They also tend to raise their voice or yell a lot.

Anyone come to mind yet? If you are like most of us you know at least two or three people like this. One person could be your boss; another could be your spouse or significant other. Many times this type of person is misunderstood. It is easy to take this person’s assertive response personally. They seem to over react to situations that could be handled more calmly.

Typically, when most people disagree with this type of person, they will not confront the high D behavioral style, for fear of an explosive response.

Five Ways to Communicate with a High D
Let me share with you five ways to communicate with this sort of behavioral style. First, you need to be direct with this type of person; not overbearing but firm. You need to be clear, specific and to the point. The high D behavior style appreciates this approach since it matches their style.

Next, don’t try to build the relationship; stick to business with this person, otherwise it could be perceived as patronizing and they will resent it.

Plan out what you will say to this person and present the facts logically. Don’t be fuzzy or unclear in what you are communicating as it could provoke their ire.

Next, don’t ask rhetorical questions or ineffective ones. Ask specific questions. This will put you on level ground with this individual and they will respect you for it.

And finally, if you find yourself disagreeing with this individual, take issue with the facts, not the person. This allows both of you to save face and separate the discussion from personal feelings.

The Benefits
You can communicate effectively with a high D behavioral style by remembering to use these five basic strategies. The benefits are that you can create a more harmonious, less stressful and productive business or social relationship.

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Tom Borg is president of Tom Borg Consulting, LLC. He is a business consultant, speaker, coach and author. He helps companies and organization become more profitable by increasing their value and lowering their costs through the professional development of their managers and employees.

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