Sample Interview Questions - Part 2

Nancy Anderson
Posted by in Career Advice

I wish to resume where I left off last week in my post looking at some potential sample questions and scenarios you may encounter during an interview for a logistics position.

Give this some serious thought before going in for the interview: are you willing to relocate? If asked this, be honest and don't go back and forth during the interview on this point; know the answer. You either can or can't, so be honest. Sometimes this type of question is asked just so they can get a feel for your personal ties and future loyalty. If you can relocate, with no issue, then let them know, and do so willingly, with an anxious attitude. If you cannot, then do not even hint at the possibility of being able to do so. If it is something that can be a consideration given the proper factors, then let them know up front exactly what kind of obstacles would need to be overcome to make it happen.

Another similar potential "loyalty" type question may be along the lines of "are you willing/able to work weekend, nights or holidays?" Again, be honest at this point, and let them know up front what may stand in your way of doing so, if anything. If there are personal, family commitments or religious reasons, let them know; no need to discuss the religious reasons, but simply to state that there are some, and what type of scheduling they would affect. Do not feel the need to go into any details on hobbies, activities or anything that you would need to reschedule or shuffle, but simply if it is possible should the need arise. If you can fairly easily reschedule to work extra times, then just simply state that you can, not the details necessary to make it happen.

Remember to be honest in all things, because most companies have a clause that allows them to terminate you if any of your information proves to be false down the line.

More to come!

Jeff McCormack resides in Virginia Beach, VA. where he works as a web designer by day. In his off time he is a husband, father, mail order book store manager, and musician. Aside from being a freelance writer for this Logistics Jobsite blog, he also seeks to assist in career choices and information by contributing to other Nexxt blog sites.


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